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Community Yard Sale

The Friends of the Georgetown Library annual Fall Community Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, October 12th, from 8:00 am to noon in the Judicial Center (New Courthouse) parking lot on the corner of Dozier Street and Highway 17 (Church Street) just behind the Georgetown Library. 


Come sell and support the Library.... 

​SIGN UP FOR A SPACE(S)!  Spaces are available at $15 for a single space, or $20 for a double space. Set-up for the sale will begin at 6:30 am. To purchase a selling space(s) online link on the graphic above..  Or you may register at the front desk of the Georgetown Library (with checks made out to "Friends of the Georgetown Library" or "FOGL").


Come browse and buy and support the Library....

There will be no admission charge for buyers, and everyone is invited to browse and shop!  Looking for antiques, clothing, tools, books, kids’ toys, etc., etc., etc. at the ultimate discount? For those of you looking to shop, treasures and treats are always on hand at the sale.

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